This report is concerned with the nature of housing occupancy for households that rent, particularly low-income and vulnerable households. It describes and compares provisions for secure occupancy across a variety of rental systems in Australia and similarly developed countries, and attempts to interpret to what extent such provisions are adequate and appropriate to the needs of households, especially those who rely on renting for significant periods (or all) of their lives.

Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives
Final Report No. 170
Date Published: 19 Jul 2011
Published by: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited
ISSN: 1834-7223
ISBN: 978-1-921610-76-9
Citation: Hulse, K., Milligan, V., and Easthope, H. (2011) Secure occupancy in rental housing: conceptual foundations and comparative perspectives, AHURI Final Report No. 170, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,